Mind - Body - Spirit
Therapeutic Massage
Helping Facilitate the Healing Within
Don't Just Feel Better, Get Better
Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.- Confucius
Honest, caring, compassionate, eclectic and eccentric with a strong passion to help people get better physically, feel better emotionally and connect spiritually. Together we will customize the right session by identifying causes of stress and imbalances manifesting for your current need. I am grateful that I chose the profession and became a licensed massage therapist, gradating from the Massage Therapy Program at Elgin community College in 2005. Stretching, soft touch to deep tissue, prenatal to Ashiatsu barefoot standing on you, keep it light to all that spiritual woo woo, if we resonate I will be happy to take care of you.
My promise from me to you....
To do my best
To give my best
To be my best
To hold space
To be a vessel of light in the dark
To be a comfort from the heaviness of the pain
To awaken into deeper consciousness
To transmute low energies into higher vibration and frequency
To be a reminder of wellness and self care
To facilitate a recharge, reset and rebalance
To help you align, let go and heal
To process, reflect, honor, and celebrate,
the story of your soul with the touch of my hands.
To remind you to take a break and prioritize self care
To remind you to BREATHE
Aire Alitovska ,
Licensed Massage Therapist